Angel Cards

Angel cards are derived from the echelon of biblical Angels from Seraphim. Cherubim, Archangels, to Angels.

Angels are common throughout many religions and beliefs, they are the link to the Divine source and are known as 'Gods Messengers'. To believe in Angels means that you must have a belief in God. No-one knows where Angels came from and in religious quarters there is much debate as to whether they existed before the earth was made or whether they were made by God at that time.

Angel Cards

Angel Cards are copyrighted to their respective designers, artists, and publishers, and are only used for example purposes; no copyright infringement is intended.

Angels belong to no religion they can be found in the Bible and the Koran. They are Divine Beings who unlike Spirit guides, have never existed in human form, although when they want to they can take this form to communicate with us. Many people believe we are born with two Guardian Angels, who stand at our left and right shoulders recording our deeds and  assisting us when we ask for their help.

Belief in Angels is a personal choice, their are many accounts of people who have had encounters with Angels, some miraculous and awesome others simply reveal how, when we are open Angels can come into our lives.

Their intervention or presence can often be sensed, though hard to define, through subtle changes in energies, intuition and gut feelings that help you make choices. Some times these choices are not always obvious or the most practical and it is often only afterwards you are able to understand or realise the outcome of the choice you made, especially when it didn't seem the most practical to others at the time.

It is difficult to define where intuition stops and the intervention of Angels starts but Angels always represent good. Angel Card readings help you understand your situation and may give you an insight to the outcome. They also give you reassurance that their help is ever present if you choose to call on it. They bring you closer to the Angels who guide and protect you as journey through this life.

Angel Card readings cost £15

If done in conjunction with a Tarot Card reading the charge for both is £30.

If you would like more information or to book a reading please contact me on 07517 665593 or fill in the form on the Contact Page.

Please note: The images of Tarot cards and Angel cards on this site are copyrighted to their respective designers, artists, and publishers, and are only used for example purposes; no copyright infringement is intended.


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